Self-Pleasure I

Your body didn’t come with a manual.

And yet, you’re expected to know everything about it— what you like, what you don’t like, and that ever-present question: what do you want? How can you surrender to pleasure without knowing what even brings you pleasure?

That’s where we come in.

Explore sensation.

We learn about our senses passively as we grow, one touch or scent or sound at a time. But how are we supposed to know what else is out there? What gaps need to be filled in?

Self-Pleasure I gives you the space to explore your body to find out what works for you.

Explore eroticism.

How can we ask our partners to give us what we want if we don’t know ourselves? What’s even on the menu? And how does another person change that equation?

Learn different types of touch and how those create different physical and emotional responses.

Find ourselves.

How can we ask our partners to give us what we want if we don’t know ourselves? What’s even on the menu? And how does another person change that equation?

Learn to love your body as it is, instead of how you wish it was.

Join us.

Click on the “1:00 PM” button below the calendar to complete your registration, and then start dreaming about all the fun you’re going to have.