Psychedelic Journeys
Change your mind… change your life
“What happens on the inside of the skin goes with what happens on the outside. It isn’t that what happens on the outside controls on the inside or vice versa. Just like when a snake goes wiggling along: which side moves first, its left or its right? You now, they move together. So, in exactly the same way, you get the sensation that everything going on out there and everything going on in here is all absolutely connected, like the two different ends of any moving object. […] And you see with the most total clarity that this process that’s working this way is in every way harmonious; that what is happening is what ought to happen.”
— Alan Watts
Why Journey?
Breaking Out of Patterns
Sometimes it’s the daily grind— doing the same thing, day after day. Sometimes it’s a choice we keep making over and over, hoping that this time something will be different. Sometimes you don’t even know what it is, you just looked up one day and realized you lost sight of the future.
A psychedelic journey breaks the mold, pushing your mind to connect in new and unusual ways, forcing you to look at yourself from a different perspective. You’ll emerge fresh, brimming with new ideas and a zest for life that you may have forgotten about. Maybe it’s a reawakened passion, maybe it’s clarity on your next steps— it’s different and magical every time.
Just For Fun
Exploring “inner space”
What does it mean to truly know yourself? To truly accept and love every part of who you truly are? Who even is the person you call “self”? An introspective journey is like shining a flashlight into the depths of your conscious and subconscious thoughts, illuminating the parts of yourself you may have forgotten about— or never even knew.
“You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind”
― Timothy Leary
Connecting with Spirit
“You suddenly see that all this—the people around you, the houses, the mountains, the stars—are ripples in a kind of energy water. And they come and they go, they come and they go, they come and they go. But the water is always there. And that’sa you. That there’s this marvelous mirage going on. But you are it. You’re not just the ripple that comes and then disappears, you’re the whole process. Only, you don’t always know it for the simple reason that part of the fun of the whole thing is to forget it and to imagine that you’re all lost and alone. “
— Alan Watts
Tantra speaks of nonduality, of the knowledge that “self” and “other” are merely constructs, and that we are all reflections of each other, an infinite net of eternally shimmering mirrored jewels. It is breathtaking to even consider— and truly life-changing to experience. At high doses, a psychedelic journeyer can enter a state called ego death, a place where the concept of “self” dissolves back into the fabric of reality, and you can see for yourself the threads of interconnection that penetrate all things.
All fun and no games makes Jack a dull boy.
If lofty descriptions of altered states of consciousness and self-actualization aren’t your bag, it’s okay. There is a reason that generations of intrepid partygoers have turned toward psychedelics for their merrymaking— it’s fun. Kaleidoscopes of colors, shifting shapes, and the urge to laugh at anything and everything— that’s the psychedelic experience. Don’t feel like your intention needs to be grand and noble, or that your journey needs to be life-changing— it can be just good fun, and that’s enough.
How It Works
Meet the Party
To begin your journey, we will start with a series of activities to get to know your fellow journeyers. Over drinks, we will share our intentions for the session, our hopes and fears, and negotiate any boundaries.
Start the Clock
Once you are comfortable, we will ingest the plant medicine. It will take about 30-45 minutes to kick in; in the meantime, we will continue to get to know each other, play games, or build a playlist for our journey.
Curiouser and Curiouser
Soon you will begin to notice changes in your perception as the journey begins. Colors seem a little brighter, jokes a little funnier. Before long, you may notice that straight lines aren’t as straight as they once seemed, and solid objects have begun to flow like water. This is it— the fun part has arrived.
Choose Your Own Adventure
The area will be set up in “zones” that match different moods, allowing you to drift in and out as your energy changes.
Active Energy
Here, you will find fun, energetic music, lively conversation, and stimulating visuals. Indulge in a game, dance your heart out, or kick back and enjoy the show.
Quiet Energy
Here is the place for introspection and relaxation. Quiet, gentle music will soothe your nervous system while you burrow into a mountain of fluffy blankets and pillows. Whether you watch the dazzling visuals on the ceiling, fall into a trance and become one with the music, or just take a nap is completely up to you.
Erotic Energy
Rainbow Body embraces healthy sexuality, and often times a psychedelic experience can bring on a heady sense of arousal and sensuality. In this zone (and in this zone only), you may explore the sensations of your own body and those of a consenting partner. Everything will be provided for a comfortable and safe experience, and your guide will constantly monitor to ensure that your boundaries are respected.
Creative Energy
Your mind is spinning with delight of what you’re seeing, and your neurons are firing with a torrent of creativity. In the creative zone you’ll find plenty of art and writing supplies to ensure that you can bring your genius to life.
Outside Energy
Experienced journeyers speak of “inside” energy and “outside” energy, bursting with the urge to connect with nature. Our container includes an outdoor balcony space with expansive views of trees and passing pedestrians, while being high enough to ensure you remain unobserved. Feel the sunlight on your skin, watch the leaves flutter in the breeze, and relax.
Safe and Supported
Throughout your time, the guide will be regularly checking in to ensure that you are enjoying your experience, providing for your physical and emotional needs as well as tips and tricks to ensure the best possible journey. Under their watchful eye, you can play and explore to your heart’s desire, knowing that you are safe and cared for. Drinks and snacks will be plentiful, ensuring that not only will you be able to attend to the needs of your body, but you can also enjoy the delights of your altered experiences with taste (spoiler: it’s incredible).
Coming Down
Every trip is different, and everyone processes plant medicine differently. As you start to come down, your guide will be with you for a one-on-one chat to help you integrate your experience, and to ensure that you are in an appropriate state of mind to re-enter the busy world.
It often takes several days for the mind to process an altered experience, a process by which it integrates disparate pieces and forms meaning. Your journey fee includes a one-hour one-on-one coaching session with Lux that you may schedule at your leisure. It’s a perfect opportunity to talk about your journey and what it meant to you, as well as what you might do to integrate your new understanding into your daily life.
A long and storied history
There is a large body of archaeological evidence for the use of psychoactive substances as far back as prehistory. In Mesopotamia, written records mention opium for pain relief. Egyptians used opium and cannabis for various ailments. South American cultures utilized coca leaves for pain and fatigue. Academics point to naturally-occurring psychoactive gases such as ethylene or benzene as potential sources of the prophetic visions of the Oracle at Delphi. As in the temple of Delphi, these substances were typically used by shamans or healers within a spiritual context. Psychoactive plants might be ingested to treat illnesses, connect with the spirit world , or facilitate healing rituals. Use of psychoactive substances was revived in the United States in the 1960s, as countercultural icons such as Timothy Leary, Alan Watts and others used psychedelics, particularly LSD, to access altered states of consciousness, increasing their awareness of their own internal states and tapping into some part of themselves less conditioned by society and their own history, something that might be described as primordial— before anything else.